This is unbelievable I

"I am Moa, the world’s greatest tooth brusher.
It was my mum who showed me how to brush my teeth.
I learned how only by watching her. You can call me a natural talent.
I was a little girl, I started to brush my teeth myself.
I usually have like 60 people watching me brush my teeth,
But back then it was only like around 6 -7 people.
I could not disappoint my fans so i have never missed an opportunity to brush my teeth.
What makes me so good at it is my rare but amazing technology.
The secret I carry with me to the grave.
I have never missed a single small spot.
It is because I have so amazingly good eyesight so I cannot miss..

When I brush I have the speed of an attacking cobra.
I can run a thousand meters at a blink of an eye.
Run round the world before you even notice I'm gone.
I got the strength of ten thousand wild horses on their way to the water.
I am as I said Pippi Longstocking, I lift you with my small finger without even having to push myself.
I got years of practice in front of the bathroom mirror.
Thousands of hours of standing up and brushing teeth.
With my eagle eye I can see every little disgusting, dirty teeth-monster.
Quickly kills them with brutality like a starving wolf.

My teeth are the cleanest and clearest in the whole world.
The whitest, the brightest and the shiniest in the universe.
Nobody has more shiny teeth than I do.
I even won a price in a "cleanest teeth" contest.
Many fought well, but nobody could reach my level.
They are like twinkling stars brighten the sky at midnight”.


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